Monday, 10 April 2017

Mirror Chart MS Excel Template


Mirror Chart:

Helpful when comparing two data sets, yearly performance comparison or customer selection criteria

Easy to use and modify

Know When to Graph:

Graphs can clarify the rate of change visually, or the differences in results, in ways that to our eyes mean so much more than a list of values ever could. It’s part of how we understand information and the differences between things. But every series of numerical values does not lead inevitably to a graph. Don’t graph just because you can. Some sets of values can actually lie to you when they are graphed, because there may only be a correlation between the values and not any causative connection. You must understand when a graph will really tell the story and when it will be superfluous or misleading. Take the time to think about what the sets of values you have are really representing before you leap into graphing them. Communicating with your team isn’t always visual.

                 Mirror Chart MS Excel Template

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